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Become a mole hunter

Enrol in our advanced courses and learn a new job

Learn all secrets to solve the problem
of moles in a definitive way

Why following our course?
Our course for expert hunters is a great opportunity to learn a new job, currently little known and very profitable. In fact, there is a strong presence of moles in the whole national territory and likewise need for the intervention of specialists, still very few.

To whom is it addressed?
Gardeners, nurserymen, designers and green maintainers, in addition to those who deal with rodent control and disinfestation in general, of course: our course provides all instruments useful to become precious and irreplaceable for anyone who is afflicted by the problem of moles. Anyway, our course is open to anybody who wants to learn a new job, for both personal and working needs.

When to sign in?
Our course has a limited number of participants therefore, if you want to participate, we ask you to contact us well in advance, also without any obligation. In this way you will be certain to have the possibility to participate on the date you prefer and facilitate our organisation.

What will you receive at the end of our course?
A certificate of attendance, together with a kit of 5 traps to start your activity immediately. We will also give you precise technical-commercial indications if you want to make this activity become your job.

Do you want more information about our courses?

Next course 21 and 22 February 2025

See the course programme